Infinite Technologies USA, LLC

We make IT WORK for You!


How are you spending your time!

Are you spending more time getting your technology to work for you? Are you or your staff frustrated with technology curves or road blocks?

Any business’ technology should be transparent and simple to use. Leaders should be able to focus on running the company and meeting the long-term goals. To do that, today’s companies need a Managed Service Provider that understands their business, provides best-of-breeds technology solutions, and is affordable.

Headquartered in Omaha, NE, Infinite Technologies USA, LLC is your technology business partner. We WILL understand your business needs. We DO build affordable, customized technology plans that will help you attain your business goals. It’s more than just a slogan. We really do, “Make IT WORK for You!”

Contact us today at, call 402-690-8516, or complete our contact form. We offer a free initial, two-hour consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the future.




14902 Newport Ave.
Omaha, NE 68116

(402) 690-8516



IT Managed Services

Good IT improves productivity and efficiency. InfinTechUSA will proactively manage your IT to avoid wasted productivity time or unexpected downtime. Our 24/7 monitoring maximizes your IT optimization and peak performance.

Let us make sure you are up-to-date, patched, and secure.

Network Design

Just as you entrust the design of your home to the best architect to protect your family and belongings, so should you trust the design of your network to the best Managed Service Provider to protect your business.

By listening to your vision and goals, InfinTechUSA conducts an in-depth needs assessment identifying your needs, and observing your routines. We will design a robust and secure network that will meet your growing needs and protect your business from cyber dangers.

IT Project Management

Once the decision is made to deploy an IT solution, put your trust in an MSP that will do it right and efficiently. InfinTechUSA will plan the work and work the plan. We will draw upon our experience and expertise to bring your project to fruition in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

Network and Security Assessments

While many Managed Service Providers list Network Security as an add-on service, here at Infinite Technologies USA, we always integrate it as a best practice.

As cyber criminals attempt to steal your information, the important questions are these. First, is your network secure from outside intruders? Second, is your network running at peak performance?

Wireless Solutions

As more devices and end users go wireless, you need a wireless solution that is robust and can grow with you. Our wireless solutions use leading technology to provide a consistent, secure, and reliable experience. The Internet of Things (IoT) is moving at light speed; let us build a solution that will adapt and grow as your business grows.

Build efficiency and security through a well designed wireless solution. InfinTechUSA can provide you with the wireless environment that will help your company grow.

IT Procurement

“But I got it on sale at the Big Box Store and saved us money!” But did you? Most IT equipment at the BBS is equipment that did not meet the manufacture’s highest specs, and they would not sell on their site. Don’t fall for this name-brand trap. Let InfinTechUSA develop a procurement strategy to help you maintain up-to-date equipment in a cost-efficient manner.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions

Don’t be a Ransomware statistic! How would you recover in the event of a fire, natural disaster, or Ransomware? Or would you be able to recover? InfinTechUSA will develop a backup and disaster recovery solution that will keep your business up and running if/when a catastrophic event occurs.

Think about it. If a catastrophic event were to happen to your business right now, where would your data be? How would you bring your business back online? How WOULD you recover?

Business Continuity

What if the unthinkable happened, and you had to deploy your disaster recovery plan? Would your business be able to operate during the recovery process? InfinTechUSA will develop a solution to make sure your business is able to operate regardless of the crippling event.

Let us plan a continuity solution for your business.

IT Consulting

Aren’t sure what IT to deploy? With so many options, making sense of it all can be frustrating. InfinTechUSA will conduct a needs assessment and get to know your business. We will, however, stick our nose in your business…well, just enough to understand your vision, goals, and needs. Time is money…let InfinTechUSA make your time well spent and not time wasted.


Contact Us!

Use the form below to contact us regarding your technology Managed Service needs. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific requests you may have.